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Las Vegas x Arizona x Los Angeles

As we have gotten older, I've been seeing less and less of my siblings. Both my sisters live in different provinces right now. Even when they come home to visit we still don't get to spend the same quality time we did the past. Although my brother lives in the same house as me, social lives and age differences keep us separate. So it was pretty nice being able to spend a full two weeks with all of them, with limited wifi so we were forced to hang out with each other. We did a little circuit - landed in Los Vegas, drove to the Grand Canyon and spent a night in Flagstaff, explored Sedona for a day, spent a few days in Phoenix and another few in Los Angeles, then ended up in Las Vegas for the last leg of the trip. Spending so much time with my family made me realize that although sometimes they drive me absolutely crazy, I do love their company so much. My siblings are so ridiculously funny and so good to talk to. While I do enjoy my own personal space, a small part of me misses sharing a bed with my two sisters and all the time spent driving in a minivan.

I want to make sure I remember all the little things that happened this trip, because it'll be months before I get to see my sisters again. The first night in Las Vegas my younger sister and I stayed up till three in the morning looking over my food pictures on my phone. On Christmas we ate at Denny's for lunch. My mom yelled at me for jumping by the rail at the Grand Canyon. We rode Space Mountain for the first time ever. I cried laughing telling my older sister about something silly that happened regarding my younger sister and a coat. We watched Love the last night we were in Las Vegas and could not stop talking about it. I'm so, so grateful and thankful that my parents took us on this trip and I'm so glad we got so much out of it.

