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This was without a doubt one of the best nights of my life, and it while made me so incredibly happy it also makes me sad because I honestly don't know how anything can ever live up this greatness. Watching Beyoncé while she's currently at the top of her career (which I totally thought after she released self-titled, how does she keep doing this???) from ten feet away absolutely crush her vocals while killing some amazing choreography as a 40-foot screen set off some of the most stunning visuals to complement everything .... where does it go from here? Will I have to quit my job and spend all my money so I can keep following Beyoncé's tour to stay happy? Beyoncé, can you please just hire me as your tour photographer??

Throughout the show I was so torn between being completely present in the moment and preserving our memories with photos and videos. I compromised by taking five second videos so I could stare intently at her face while still having a short clip I could watch on loop while lying in bed. Being the person that I am, I couldn't help but snap photos whenever I thought something looked amazing - which turned out to be a lot of the time.

Anyways. I'm glad I did take photos because I can look back on them and still remember the intense emotions I was feeling at the time. Here are some of my favourites.