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This was without a doubt one of the best nights of my life, and it while made me so incredibly happy it also makes me sad because I honestly don't know how anything can ever live up this greatness. Watching Beyoncé while she's currently at the top of her career (which I totally thought after she released self-titled, how does she keep doing this???) from ten feet away absolutely crush her vocals while killing some amazing choreography as a 40-foot screen set off some of the most stunning visuals to complement everything .... where does it go from here? Will I have to quit my job and spend all my money so I can keep following Beyoncé's tour to stay happy? Beyoncé, can you please just hire me as your tour photographer??

Throughout the show I was so torn between being completely present in the moment and preserving our memories with photos and videos. I compromised by taking five second videos so I could stare intently at her face while still having a short clip I could watch on loop while lying in bed. Being the person that I am, I couldn't help but snap photos whenever I thought something looked amazing - which turned out to be a lot of the time.

Anyways. I'm glad I did take photos because I can look back on them and still remember the intense emotions I was feeling at the time. Here are some of my favourites.




X-Fest 2014 | Calgary Music Festival

This was my first time shooting a festival with a media pass, and my first time ever attending X-Fest. Combining the two firsts together was pretty great. I spent most of the festival running back and forth catching just the first three songs of most sets before having to go backstage to take more photos. I did, however, jump on the chance to watch Tegan and Sara's full set from the photo pit, and it was a definite highlight of the festival for me. Another highlight for me was drinking wine backstage with Danielle of Dear Rouge and getting life advice from her about passion and working hard to get to where you want to be. I always have so much fun shooting musicians doing what they love. I can't wait to do more of this in the future.

