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This Is The Path

This past week I got the chance to run a real business with a group for my entrepreneurship class so naturally I decided to run a photography business. I got to spend seven straight days running around and doing shoots. The final count was fourteen shoots in seven days. I am completely drained and finding time to study for the two midterms I had wedged in there as well was really tough, but honestly I could not have been any happier than I was standing behind the camera taking pictures. This week has helped me realize that I am a hundred percent in to this being my future; there is no backup plan right now. I want this to be my life.

This week also made me realize how lucky I am to have the people I know in my life. From my group members to everyone who booked a session this week to everyone who bought a print, I am just overwhelmed with all of the support. Thanks for trusting me and helping me move this dream along.

Here is to the future, and everything that is still to come.



U of C Faculty of Nursing: Class of 2012

The University of Calgary's nursing graduates celebrated earning their degrees at Gasoline Alley in Heritage Park. This is a group of fine men and women who I'm sure will do great things working in the healthcare sector in the future.



Moving Forward

I love getting mail. Especially when I get packages like this.

I think I have a few shoots coming up soon, hopefully things work out. I know I should be focusing on school, but going so long without taking pictures of people makes me antsy.



Here Goes

I've been thinking of getting a website forever.  I guess late at night I get more decisive and all of the "what ifs" get thrown out the window.  So what about money?  So what about time?  My only justification right now is that it will all be worth it.

So here goes.

